Women's Center Blog


Looking for additional pregnancy resources in Montgomery, Alabama? Browse our women’s center blog to find helpful information on pregnancy, abortion, relationships and sexual health. Contact us to schedule a free and confidential appointment.

Understanding PASS & How You Can Find Healing

Understanding PASS & How You Can Find Healing

Post-abortion stress syndrome (also known as PASS) is something that you may have heard of. It is a condition that is believed to be an extension of PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. While PASS is a condition that is debated by some people, we at H3Helpline have...

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Managing COVID-19 & Pregnancy

Managing COVID-19 & Pregnancy

COVID-19 has left many in a state of confusion and worry. When dealing with a pregnancy in the middle of this pandemic, a lot of questions can arise. A mother’s first concern becomes the health of her pregnancy or newborn. While we wish to provide answers to all of...

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Am I Pregnant? Take This Quiz

Am I Pregnant? Take This Quiz

If you think you might be pregnant, or you’re not sure whether the symptoms you’re feeling are pregnancy-related, First Choice Women’s Medical Center, can help. This quick online questionnaire will help you determine whether or not you’re experiencing the early signs...

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