Early Pregnancy Symptoms

December 5, 2024

Are you experiencing early pregnancy symptoms in Montgomery, Alabama? Learn about early signs and symptoms of pregnancy and what to do next. We provide free pregnancy information and services.

Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy

Top 10 Early Signs of Pregnancy

1. Late or Missed Period

2. Nausea and/or Vomiting

3. Frequent Urination

4. Spotting or Cramping

5. Unexplained Fatigue

6. Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

7. Food Cravings or Aversions

8. Increased Sense of Smell

9. Darkening of Nipples

10. Sore, Swollen or Itchy Breasts

The signs and symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. Some women have no noticeable signs at all. The timing of the onset of signs and symptoms also varies.

Having one or all of these symptoms may be an indicator of a pregnancy, but does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. Women do occasionally experience an inaccurate pregnancy test or the result may be unclear. Schedule medical quality pregnancy testing if you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms in Montgomery, Alabama. All of our services are confidential and provided at no cost to you.

emergency contraception information
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