Parenting Classes Montgomery, AL

Parenting Classes Montgomery, Alabama

First Choice Women’s Medical Center provides free parenting classes in Montgomery, Alabama. Our parenting classes, for moms AND dads, help lay a foundation for successful parenting. Becoming a parent can seem overwhelming. We can help provide answers to your questions about pregnancy and parenting.


No Cost. No Insurance. Confidential Services.

Through our Earn While You Learn program, you can gain parenting skills while earning free baby supplies from our baby boutique. We offer individual, video-based classes scheduled at your convenience during weekday office hours. We also provide monthly group classes on topics such as childbirth education, breastfeeding, postpartum care, and more.

We’ll work together to set short and long-term goals to develop your parenting skills and build healthy relationships. It is not necessary to have your pregnancy test at First Choice to participate in this program. Classes are available during pregnancy and continue well after your child is born.


Our Fathers First program is JUST FOR DADS.

Perhaps you are a first-time dad, or maybe you want to be the best father you can… you are invited to join us! Our weekly lunchtime sessions are led by men, for men, and will cover a variety of fatherhood topics. Lunch is free, and dads who come regularly will receive a free car seat and other awesome rewards. Not able to attend weekly? We’ve got you covered with other learning options and support tailored to YOUR schedule.

Contact us to learn more about our parenting classes in Montgomery, Alabama.

Know your options. Be educated.

Call First Choice today for an appointment.